Your children’s education,
from kindergarten to higher education
Whatever the age of your children, the Aube region offers a quality education that will enable them to complete their entire schooling.
From kindergarten to high school
Public school enrolment
Your child’s enrolment in a school is done by sector:
In town
Your child is automatically assigned to the school in your “sector” (depending on the street you live on).
In a village
Your child is automatically attached to the village school.
Private school enrolment
Registration is made directly via the secretariat of the school in question, subject to availability.
Higher education
Aube is home to 13,000 students and is committed to the development of a wide range of courses: university courses, vocational schools, preparatory courses, grandes écoles…
Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT): 20 courses
Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne: Bachelor’s, Master’s I and II degrees
Pôleformation d’apprentis de l’industrie (UIMM)
Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l’éducation (INSPÉ)
Institut universitaire des Métiers et du Patrimoine (IUMP)
Institut de formation en soins infirmiers (IFSI)
Université de technologie de Troyes (UTT)
École d’ingénieurs généristes (EPF)
École spéciale des travaux publics, du bâtiment et de l’industrie (ESTP)
SCBS, école de management (Y SCHOOLS)
École supérieure de design (Y SCHOOLS)
École supérieure de tourisme (Y SCHOOLS)
Any doubts about orientation?
Contact the student support service (SAE) for all your questions about orientation, student life and disabilities.
Campus des Comtes de Champagne – Place du Préau 10 000 Troyes.
Student housing and mobility
Do you have any questions?
Contact us here
News’ Aube
Find out here about the latest news from the region.
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