Traditional craftsmen and craftswomen: opportunities to blossom in Aube
Yes, there’s plentyof room in Aubeto set up your own business and make a living from it!
And, no, you won’t be alone when you take the plunge, since the Chambre de métiers et de l’artisanat is there to support you.
Retraining, setting up or taking over a business… opportunities exist, whatever the sector of activity – traditional or craft.
And if you had any doubts, you can be sure that life is very pleasant here. The proof is in the form of these few “scouts” who recently “dared the Aube”… and have no regrets about having left everything behind for it!
The Chambre de métiers et de l’artisanat (Chamber of Trades and Crafts): an invaluable ally in opening the doors to Aube
Advice, training, customized support from A to Z (if required): the Chambre de métiers et de l’artisanat (CMA) will be a valuable ally in the field for you.
Reconversion? Business start-ups? Company takeover and transfer? Need financing, honor loans, subsidies? Specialists with their own address books will direct you to the right people and the right solutions.
They’ll listen to you – then guide you through the construction of your project, as well as its realization. It’s the “one-stop shop” principle that prevails here.
Room for everyone to make a living from their work
With almost 9,000 craftspeople for 310,000 inhabitants, “there’s plenty of room in Aube to set up shop and make a living from your trade. This is true in all sectors: food, building and public works, production-manufacturing, personal services”, assures the Chambre de métiers et de l’artisanat.
It’s also true in the arts and crafts. Traditionally present in Aube because of its remarkable historical heritage, these are often one-man businesses or very small enterprises.
Change of life: reconversions made easy
For those who want to change their lives… while putting every chance of success on their side, there’s an annual event here, “Les Rendez-vous Reconversion”. Held on April 17, 2024 in Troyes, the event enabled 38 project leaders to meet some 20 professionals – key players in their move to Aube – in a single location. A wealth of information and useful contacts in record time! The rest of the time, of course, introductions are also made…
A la carte training to “get your project off the ground
The Chamber offers a wide range of training courses (initial, continuing, manual, intellectual). A la carte formulas (including distance learning) are available, to adapt to each individual situation. Personalization is the watchword.
Taking over a craft business: opportunities to seize
What if you could find a nugget to take over, among the companies that already exist? “There’s a lot of good business to be had here, as many boomers will soon be retiring*.
Opportunities exist in all sectors,” assures the Chambre de métiers et de l’artisanat. The Chamber knows which businesses are up for sale, and which are likely to be handed over soon. “When it comes to buyouts and transfers, the ideal thing is to anticipate them well. One of the keys to success is to be able to liaise with the business owner and his team beforehand – to ensure a smooth transition.
* In 2022, 31% of Aube’s 8,851 managers were over 55.
Chambre de métiers et de l’artisanat Grand Est – Établissement de l’Aube – 37 rue des Bas-Trévois. 10000 Troyes.
Christophe Monticone, Customer Relations Manager – Tel.: 3006 –
Key figures for the craft industry in Aube
(2022 data)
8,014 companies, including 833 created during the year
– 4 main sectors of activity: construction (38%), services (32%), production (14%), food (12%)
– 45% of companies in the creation phase (less than 5 years), 21% in development (6 to 10 years), 34% mature (more than 10 years)
8,851 managers
– 31% over 55
– 28% of companies are run by women
Article written by Aube en Champagne Attractivité – interview with CMA de l’Aube – May 2024